Mario Albino abandoned his presidential campaign in Cabo Delgado Friday for alleged lack of police security and fear of the insurgents who have led attacks in the north-eastern districts of the province.
He is the only presidential candidate from a party without seats in parliament, and is standing for AMUSI (Acção de Movimento Unido de Salvação Integral, United Movement for Integral Salvation).
He says that after a week of campaigning in 10 districts of Nampula, with police escort, he was abandoned by police around 8 pm on Thursday. “When the police learned that we had plans to enter Cabo Delgado, the juggling that took place in Malema began. The police simulated car damage, we had to leave them halfway without police protection to stay overnight in Namapa. The next day we advanced to Chiúre, but the district commander said he had no car and no permission from the provincial command, and because we know the situation in Cabo Delgado, we could do nothing but return to the city of Nampula,” Albino told the Bulletin.
This is the second time that the AMUSI presidential candidate stopped campaigning because of lack of police protection. The first was in the second week of the election campaign when he declined continuing with the campaign in the provinces of Niassa, Zambezia, Manica and Tete allegedly because police were on other missions.